
In Alaska, Divorce Courts Must Now Consider Pet Wellbeing

Alaska: Divorce Courts Must Now Consider Pet Wellbeing. It's the first state to adopt this law. 01/26/2017 02:25 pm ET Hilary Hanson Trends Editor, The Huffington Post This month, Alaska became the first state in which judges are required to consider animal welfare in cases where divorcing couples have a pet. Legislation signed by Gov. [...]

What would a good divorce meant to you?

How To Have A Good Divorce Since My Divorce by Mandy Walker The phrase "a good divorce" sounds like an oxymoron. It doesn't seem possible. The word "divorce" comes laden with negativity, fear and judgement. When we see divorce in the media and the movies it's overwhelmingly about conflict. Amicable or civil divorces aren't considered [...]

Free Legal Clinic December 15, 2016

LAWYERS AT THE LIBRARY Free Legal Clinic for Douglas County for Parties Without an Attorney WHEN: Thursday, December 15, 2016 TIME: 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m WHERE:  Parker Public Libary LOCATION: 10851 S. Crossroads Drive, Parker, CO 80134 Walk Ins Welcome! Volunteer attorneys will be available to answer questions relating to family law, civil litigation, [...]


Divorces are stressful and can cause all sorts of emotional and physical problems ranging from headaches, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, and other health issues not to mention the potential financial costs of a divorce. Anger and disappointment are common feelings that can arise during divorce negotiations. Many times the parties have a hard time communicating [...]

How Much Is My Divorce Going to Cost?

Factors that can affect the costs of divorce The financial cost of your divorce will depend on a number of factors specific to your situation and circumstances. While you are encouraged to contact our Centennial divorce attorney for more precise answers, what we can tell you here is that, in general, the following [...]

Douglas Family Law Fair

FREE Legal Clinic for Douglas County FOR PARTIES WITHOUT AN ATTORNEY Sponsored by the 18th Judicial District Access to Justice Committee, Douglas Elbert Bar Association, & Douglas County Pro Se Clinic. WHAT: Information regarding Forms, Mediation, ENA, Co-Parenting Classes, Supervised Parenting Time, Counseling, and Domestic Violence Resources will be available. WHEN:  Saturday, September 26, 2015  [...]

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