
In Alaska, Divorce Courts Must Now Consider Pet Wellbeing

Alaska: Divorce Courts Must Now Consider Pet Wellbeing. It's the first state to adopt this law. 01/26/2017 02:25 pm ET Hilary Hanson Trends Editor, The Huffington Post This month, Alaska became the first state in which judges are required to consider animal welfare in cases where divorcing couples have a pet. Legislation signed by Gov. [...]

What would a good divorce meant to you?

How To Have A Good Divorce Since My Divorce by Mandy Walker The phrase "a good divorce" sounds like an oxymoron. It doesn't seem possible. The word "divorce" comes laden with negativity, fear and judgement. When we see divorce in the media and the movies it's overwhelmingly about conflict. Amicable or civil divorces aren't considered [...]

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